Hello my soul
Deeply embodied one-to-one sessions with Family Constellations and shamanic healing
Life can be complex and challenging at times. We repeat old patterns, stumble down blind alleys and lose sight of who we are. Navigating these realms are near-impossible without guidance, and that's where I can help. I will guide you to step out of the thinking mind and resolve issues by working on multiple somatic and soul levels, bringing about whole-system healing.
I employ shamanic healing, bodywork and a process known as Family Constellations to help you shift your perspective, shake off ancestral baggage and release trauma held within the body. I call this work Hello my soul because as we let go of old, unhelpful ways of being, we can step closer to our true selves and align with our soul's purpose in order to really shine in the world.
This work can be helpful for working with:
Unhealthy relationship dynamics
Persistent health problems
Unresolved conflict within the family
Repetitive and unhelpful life patterns
Addiction issues
Anxiety, depression or problems with self-esteem
I currently offer this work one-on-one, in person and online; this can include remote energy healing.
What is Family Constellations?
Family Constellations is a powerful somatic process that can support the release of emotional blocks, heal intergenerational trauma and support people to move forward in life.
With Constellations work, we begin to understand ourselves not merely as individuals but as part of our family (or other collective) system, known as a Constellation. We can work with the family system by physically representing other members either using objects or people within a group. As we connect with our Family Constellation in this externalised manner, we tune into the collective unconscious which connects all of these elements and ourselves. We intuitively receive information through our bodies which quickly reveal what is present within the system. This may include events and people hidden from other family members, such as illegitimate children or the unmourned dead. We can also learn about challenging dynamics at play and make space for emotions that don't feel welcome in our family system.
We come to see that some of our struggles in life did not start with us, and may be tied up with family members from previous generations. We inherit behavioural and genetic imprints from previous generations, some of which are helpful and others less so. These may show up as repeated negative patterns in relationships, recurrent health conditions, addictions, depression or a sense of feeling 'stuck'. By addressing the issues present in the family system, we are able to bring about balance and allow love to flow more freely.
When people first experience Constellations, they are often stunned by the depth of emotional and embodied sensations that they experience. The process sounds unbelievable, but anyone can do it. What helps is a willingness to switch off the thinking mind for a while and begin to trust the unknown.