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Workshops & Events

Tales of the Sea,
Tales of the Sky

Story, song and live music with Stacey Blythe & Hannah Sneyd

Tuesday 21st November 6:30-9pm
Coed Hills Rural Arts Space

Tickets £10, suggested age 12+

Evoking the surge of the tides and the expanse of the sky, Stacy Blythe and Hannah Sneyd invite you for a night of stories that flow and crash as waves on the shore, interwoven with the sounds of harp, voice and accordion.

Bringing together the living myths of the Celtic coasts with original tales and personal narrative; Stories that ripple like water across briny landscapes, flow between English and Welsh and swell under boundless skies. Expect plucky adventurers, liminal wanderers and wise grannies!


From Our Root:
Immersive Storytelling for Unsettling Times

With Hannah Sneyd
& Emmy the Harp

Sunday 3rd December 4-6pm
Hatch Barn,  Kingsbridge TQ7 4AJ

£10 suggested donation on the door

Message Mark Arnold via FB page below

to confirm your place

An evening of stories, song and live music exploring the root of our commonality as beings on this earth.


This are wild times, times of jagged edges and shifting sands. Some days the world seems to spiral into chaos and tear at our defences. And when harsh winds lay us bare, we turn to myth. We forge new narratives that speak to ancient truths, singing our prayers into the soil in the hope of a whisper of reassurance. 

Join storyteller Hannah Sneyd and multi-instrumentalist Emmy the Harp for a night of immersive myth and music seeking to unearth that which unites us at our core, bonds us to other beings and to the gods of this earth. 

**Message Mark Arnold via FB page below

to confirm your place**


Sparks in the Dark

Stories for Solstice with Henry Everett & Hannah Sneyd

Saturday 16th December 4-7pm

The Glade, North Woods, Dartington TQ9 6NS

Adults £10, Children £6

As we approach the longest night of the year and the darkness creeps in, it’s time to celebrate the Winter Solstice.


Join Dartmoor storytellers Hannah and Henry for a night of immersive storytelling, music and ritual. Expect a mixture of traditional tales and original stories spun from the living landscape and curated to honour the dark days and ignite the sparks in the dark! 

Children and friendly dogs are most welcome.


We will be selling piping hot stew, fine sausages, cakes and hot drinks.

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